Monday, March 14, 2011

My New Companion

Since I decided to start taking my camera everywhere with me, I had bought a bigger purse to carry it in. This was really starting to weigh on me though. I have been searching on Etsy for the bag I wanted. I found this Deluxe DSLR Camera Lens Bag Case zipper pocket more padding - Soul Blossoms Magenta - INSTOCK

but it comes with a $85 price tag. I am still paying off the camera, I can’t afford that bag.

I was so happy when Cindy at Cameras and Chaos shared her new project yesterday.

I went to Kohl’s today (I wanted to go to TJ Maxx but it is on the other side of town). I didn’t want a purse as tall as Cindy’s because I only wanted to be able to put my camera, with lens attached, in it and have a little pocket for maybe wallet when out shopping. I mean to take it everywhere (except work). I left with this purse for only $31.65 (and $10 Kohl’s cash)DSC_0130


I picked up a piece of padding for $3 and material on sale for $5 (I ended up only needing a half of yard). As I have mentioned before, I can’t sew well. So I cut out my three pieces of padding and covered them each separately, using FabricTac to seal it all up. I then used small pieces of Velcro to attach the three pieces. I love it. I didn’t even take the purse in with me to buy the fabric. DSC_0131


Thank you Cindy for the great idea.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Moving to Wordpress

At least my new photography self. I moved all my photo posts over there but since they are here they will stay here too.
It is a lot harder to edit your blog there than here. I went through themes like no other trying to find one that left the pictures the right size and didn't cut into the sidebar. I have played around with the fonts, also not done like Blogger. I think it looks crisp and clean, let me know:

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Shutter Love Tuesday with Trendy Treehouse

I tell you, I am seriously loving me some photo challenges. Another new one to me is Shutter Love Tuesdays Button and the theme this week is Cookies. I decided to make a trip to the mall and look in the luggage store for a camera bag that would actually hold my camera with lens attached. And while I was there I was going to take some pictures at the Tollhouse kiosk. I sadly learned, neither are there anymore. On the way home I stopped in Smiths and while deciding if I wanted to take pictures in the bakery aisle, I watched this lady cough all over everything so I decided to pick up some cookie and go. (Doesn’t hurt to have good cookies either.)



Monday, March 7, 2011

Handwriting Challenge

Did you know that Kevin and Amanda create fonts out of your handwriting? Just a thought as I have come across the handwriting challenge over at Vintage Wanna Bee. Here is my handwriting results (it has changed a lot over the years but the simplicity of it has stayed the same):


I boobooed on Cranberries but you get the gist. Join along over at Created By Chelle.

iHeart Faces: Best Face of February

I know this is my second post today, but since I wasn’t following the rules on iHeart Faces before I want to make sure I only post 1 picture for the challenge. I have become a photo challenge maniac. It helps me take pictures and think outside the box. My 365 Days of Photos project also helps but some days I don’t get outside and have to find something inside to take a picture.
Here is my best face of February (it was hard to choose, but I wanted one I hadn’t posted before and this one jumped out at me). I also love how he is reflected in the water pooling under him:brendan4

I Heart Faces - Photo Challenges, Tutorials and Tips (tho the button is not showing, clicking on it will still take you there)

Monday Rewind with Chic Homeschool Mama

Yesterday I entered a new photo challenge by Ashley Sisk, Scavenger Hunt Sunday. In the process I found some new photography blogs. One of which is Chic Homeschool Mama. Gina hosts a Monday Rewind party where you can post your favorite pictures of the past week that you didn’t enter in any challenges. Ooh, yea. I like that one.

Here are my other faves from last week:

March 1, 2011

There is this road going through the west side of Albuquerque that is one of the original streets. There are old, Spanish style houses, really big houses, grand estates, you can find almost any style house. Pastures. Livestock. Maybe even a buffalo. I was on the hunt for this house that has a giant lizard worked into the stucco. I drove past this sign and made a metal note to stop on my way back. As I got back in the car to drive off, I realized this sign was outside the house with the giant lizard wall. I will go back and take a picture of that another day.

This shot was taken the same day as my fill in the blank sunset picture. This more accurately represents the New Mexico sunsets I was talking about, but there still isn’t as much color as I have seen on a really windy day.










This shot was taken the same day as my fill in the blank sunset picture. This more accurately represents the New Mexico sunsets I was talking about, but there still isn’t as much color as I have seen on a really windy day. DSC_0047

Same day as above. We were leaving baseball practice and I knew I needed a picture. That is the base of the Sandia Mountains with a view of the sky facing away from the setting sun.DSC_0038

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Find a Solution

DSC_0014Most people are more comfortable with old problems than with new solutions. ~~Charles Brower

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

I recently found Ramblings and Photos with Ashley Sisk. Every week she hosts  Scavenger Hunt Sunday. I thought it would be a good idea to play along, another reason for me to make sure I take pictures. It was fun trying to figure out what to do for each item.

1. Diptych


I was out driving the other day, looking for pictures to take for the black and white challenge and when I saw this pink barn, I just had to stop on the way back to take its picture. There is a sheep in the corner that I wish I had gotten a better view of.


2. Book


Jane Eyre is one of my favorite books, but it wasn’t the book that I was after but the fanning out of the book.


3. When I think about how ___________ is in the ____________, I just have to _____________.

When I think about how sunset is in the area, I just have to pull out a camera and take a picture

When I think about how sunset is in the area, I just have to take out my camera and take a picture. The times I have moved away from New Mexico I have really missed the sunsets. Because we have so much dust in the air a lot of the time, we have some amazing sunsets. This doesn’t even begin to cover it.

 kat eye view


4. A taste of Italy

a taste of italy

A (Roman) Catholic church


5. Reminders


Once upon a time I was a flight attendant for an airline that did 90% of the Air Mobility Corp flights. Because of this I was able to fly all over the world. My first international trip was to Ireland. I picked up this set of candle holders for my mom. At some point she broke one so I picked her up another set. (Instead of giving me the extra one, she threw it away.) Every time I see these candle holders I am reminded of my first trip to Ireland and that I had to pick up my mom another set.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My theme and title and direction

purple pinwheelSometimes I wonder if I seem like I have blogging ADD. Or the opposite of OCD. Whichever way you want to look at it, I seem to be all over the place. I read posts on blogs about this all the time. As I have mentioned before, I started out on Word Press with a customer service directed help blog but as I got more into the blogosphere I saw all these great crafty blogs and I wanted to be one of them. I made the switch to Blogger because I liked what I saw from there.

In the 6 or so months I have been blogging, I have changed the look of my blog many times. As I learn new things, I want to try them out. All part of craftiness, I think. I also started out as Lili’s Buzz but when I upgraded the service that domain was not available. I played around with names and one night Purple Paisley Pinwheels just came to me. As I have moved into the world of cameras and photography I keep wondering if Purple Paisley Pinwheels is still right for me. Except for the lone purple pinwheel I used to have in my blog banner, I didn’t have anything to do with pinwheels. Then the other day I looked up pinwheels and it reminded me that they used to be called whirligigs (when I was a kid). I envisioned running around with a whirligig in my hand, it blowing in the wind. And I realized that Purple Paisley Pinwheels is a perfect name for my blog. I am a whirligig of ideas. I have gotten back into the crafting world, even though I have slowed down a lot since the Christmas craft fair bust. I got a new camera and am getting into the world of photography, I love all the challenges I keep finding to help me go take pictures. I also love to share all the great blogging tips and tricks I find useful. I am getting into the scene of transformations, restoring, repurposing, whatever you want to call it and want to share that. So Purple Paisley Pinwheels is here to stay.

On that note, I would love to have a “seal” to put on my pictures instead of the text I have been adding. Anyone know how to make one? Or know anyone that will make me one that isn’t too expensive? Take a look at Manic Mother Photography, she uses one.

On another note, I was thinking about incorporating a new series, of interviews. To start a new business you need to do a business plan, with a good market analysis. What better way to begin this process than by doing interviews with those that I have found that sell their repurposed goods, or are amateur photographers or just plan crafty? What do you all think?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Black and White


I went out today to look for some great pictures to turn into black and white. I found some awesome shots. I was taking them from my car and didn’t realize they weren’t coming out. I was shooting in Manual mode and everything was coming out too bright, too white. Bummer. But I have a few to share. I was able to salvage a bell from the bell tower in one of the photos that didn’t turn out. There is this gorgeous winery in Albuquerque that I wanted pictures of. But I got nervous about walking around since no one was outside. Not sure if it was allowed.


Just some house I drove by


The underside of my parents porch roof (the top is tiled)


Just another building I drove by


Outside Kohl’s



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