Friday, December 17, 2010

Snow Day

The forecast for central New Mexico was a dry, warm winter. It has been unseasonably warm. We need the moisture we usually get in the winter. Yesterday we woke up to rain. It slowly turned to snow by afternoon and was full on snowing all night. I love it. School was cancelled. Here in this part of New Mexico we get very few days like that. It snows this much maybe once every 3 or so years. A sledder’s dream. Except we couldn’t get a going start because there was too much unpacked snow I guess. My little cousin came home with me from El Paso the other day (not prepared for anything but warm weather, so Aunt Cathy found her some boots). She is in blitzed heaven, until she gets too tired from walking in it that is =)
Snow Day house
Doesn’t look like much from here but this is the front of the house and my “buried” car. I am sure there was a bit more earlier in the morning.
My parents also live right across the street from a golf course as I have mentioned before (why my dad has a TON of golf balls) so I headed over there with the 2 kids, 3 dogs and a sled ( I went back for a bucket).
Snow Day Cat Snow Day B
They are wearing snow pants so look almost A Christmas Story but not full body. I found walking through this slush that my boots weren’t really water proof. Good thing I had on 2 pairs of socks, one of which was REALLY thick.
Snow Day B-2
He couldn’t get down the hill, I ended up having to go first to make a path for the kids to use. Cat loved it. She went down several times, with dogs running around ta boot.
Snow Day Cat-2
Snow Day dogs-2
I decided we needed to trek to the other side of the golf course where there is a bigger hill. We get all the way over there and can’t get down the hill on the sled at all. Bummer. And on the way the dog with the kids there decided she needed to go into the pond after the ducks. I had to pull her out of the water. She is a stinker when it comes to water. I wish I had gotten a picture of her trying to bury herself in the snow, it is too funny.
Snow Day dogsSnow Day Kelsey
My dog, Kelsey, loves the snow. Not that the other two don’t, but she is more subdued about it. The pups went crazy. All in all, even though I have a cold, it was a good morning (except for the whining and my son being a meanie).


  1. Thank you so much for showing the pictures! Cat looks like she is having an awesome time. I wonder if I am going to get her home?!?!

  2. Once the snow melts she will probably not be as gung-ho =). Of course she also got to see Narnia and make a Rudolph today.



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